We Care Wellness Foundation




We Care Wellness Foundation is offering holistic, quality care for recovering addicts - right from the moment they walk in at residential rehabilitation center Mumbai.

Residential Rehabilitation Center, also known as inpatient rehab, is a type of addiction treatment program that provides 24-hour care and support to individuals struggling with addiction. Residential rehab typically involves a stay of 30 to 90 days in a specialized facility, where individuals receive a range of therapies and services designed to help them overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.
The goal of residential rehab is to provide individuals with the tools and skills they need to overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. This involves addressing the underlying causes of addiction, such as trauma, stress, or co-occurring mental health conditions, and developing coping strategies to manage triggers and cravings.
Overall, residential rehabilitation center can be a highly effective form of addiction treatment for individuals struggling with substance abuse. By providing intensive, 24-hour care and support, residential rehab programs can help individuals overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.
One of the primary advantages of residential rehab is the intensive and immersive nature of the program. By providing 24-hour care and support, residential rehab programs can help individuals break the cycle of addiction and build a strong foundation for lasting recovery. In addition, residential rehab provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can focus solely on their recovery and avoid the distractions and triggers of daily life.
The residential treatment experience is fairly regimented and created to give people a secure and encouraging atmosphere in which to concentrate on their recovery. Individual and group counselling, medication-assisted treatment, behavioural therapies, and recreational activities are just a few of the services provided by residential rehab programmes. Individuals may also receive medical attention, dietary advice, and other supportive services as required.


At We Care Wellness Foundation, you’ll reside in your own spacious, tastefully designed guest room fitted with a complete set of state-of-the-art amenities, including:


Clean Dormitory Space

Dormitory Accommodation

Aircondition twin sharing room

Air-Conditioned Deluxe Accommodation

Play Area Indoor​ at we care wellness

Play Area – Indoor


Play Area – Outdoor

Dining Area

Administration Office

Counselling Room

Recreation hall

Training & Recreation Room


Book Your Appointment

Freedom from your Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol begins here

Your Road To Recovery
Begins Here Talk To Our
Expert Counsellor

Mr. Manish

Mr. Sanjay