We Care Wellness Foundation

Evidence Based Addiction Treatment


de addiction centre available in Mumbai. If We care wellness foundation talks about Evidence-based addiction treatment the it is a type of treatment that is based on scientific research and has been proven to be effective in helping people overcome addiction. This type of treatment is grounded in empirical evidence and utilizes therapies and interventions that have been rigorously tested and found to be successful in treating addiction.


The fact that evidence-based addiction treatment is based on scientific research is one of its main advantages. Mumbai’s addiction treatment centre. This indicates that the therapies and interventions utilised in the treatment have undergone considerable research and have had their efficacy put to the test. As a result, evidence-based treatment is a more dependable and efficient choice for those who are battling addiction.


Evidence-based addiction treatment also caters to the needs of each individual, which is another advantage. Based on the specific circumstances of each patient, including the nature and degree of their addiction, their personal history, and their current state of mental health, the therapies and interventions utilised in treatment are chosen. As a result of being tailored to each patient’s needs, the treatment has a higher chance of being effective.


We care wellness foundation’s evidence-based approach to addiction therapy is, in general, a very successful and dependable way to treat addiction. This sort of treatment assists patients in overcoming addiction and achieving long-term sobriety by utilising therapies and interventions that have undergone extensive testing and have been shown to be effective. To ensure that you or a loved one receives the most efficient and thorough care possible, it is crucial to look for treatment facilities that employ evidence-based practises.


The goal of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), a type of psychotherapy, is to recognise and alter unfavourable thought patterns and beliefs. It is predicated on the notion that our thoughts and beliefs affect our emotions and behaviours, and that altering these can result in positive changes in our life.


The twelve-step programme created by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) serves as the foundation for the addiction treatment method known as Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF). This strategy entails working through the twelve stages with the assistance of a skilled facilitator and is frequently utilised in group treatment settings.
Twelve Step Facilitation strives to assist addicts in fostering their spirituality, creating a network of allies, and atoning for past wrongs. It emphasises the value of establishing a connection with a higher power while focusing on acknowledging one’s own power’s limitations.
Twelve Step Facilitation is frequently utilised in both inpatient and outpatient treatment programmes. It has been proven to be a successful method of treating addiction.